From Trapped Greases to ElectricityTBM Food Green Generation System

What Is the Food Green Generation System?

WATER and OIL are two key words in our aim. Our main goal is making the seas and the rivers clean and promoting our eating habits that will give us wellbeing and joy.
To keep the seas and the rivers clean, it is necessary to favour the purification of oily wastewater. The first step of the purification takes place through the process of separation of fats, oils and greases (FOG) from the water.
With our Food Green Generation System, through the purification of the wastewater, we can recycle the animal fats, oils and greases connected with the grease traps installed at restaurants, food factories, etc. and turn them into electricity. 

Making Our Society More Sustainable

The fat scraps of restaurants and food factories etc. in Japan weigh 310.000 tons in a year. Our Food Green Generation System makes it possible to derive 740 gigawatt-hours (GWh) of energy from these enormous quantities of fats, oils and greases which until now were treated as industrial wastes.
Exploiting the most familiar renewable energy for our life, we can create electricity, reduce CO2 emissions, promote recycling and clean the water.
Differently from the Biodiesel Fuel (BDF) used up until now, our new biomass fuel obtained from the amalgam of fats, oils and greases is produced without the addition of chemical products. This is why we called it Straight Mixed Oil (SMO).
This System, which generates new energy from the preservation of waters, contributes to respect the CSR missions and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) concretely.

Realizing New Local Production For Local Consumption Model

Can we generate electricity from fat, oil or grease stains on dish…?
TBM realizes this. With our mobile vacuum separator Kankichi-kun (cf. photo 1), we can perfectly separate and collect fats, oils and greases (FOG) from grease traps. The collected FOGs will be turned into our original biofuel SMO for electrical power generation.
The electricity will be sold to Electric Power Company and provided to individual homes. Furthermore, if the generator (cf. photo 2) will be installed on site, we can provide green electricity directly to restaurants and food factories or with our power generation vehicle (cf. photo 3) to the festival/event etc..

Our Locations

TBM Co., Ltd. Headquarter & Laboratory:
5-1586 Mikajima, Tokorozawa, Saitama 359-1164, Japan

TBM Food Green Electric Generation Plants:
2-3 Hanamidai, Ranzan-machi, Hiki-gun, Saitama 355-0204, Japan
